As the community grows and more applications are created, excess funds and penalties will be used for token destruction.  A coin that is deflationary is the goal of Metaverse dog.  Over time the goal is to make MetaVerse Dog a token that is the most sought out token in the community.

MetaVerse Dog has plans to be involved in many activities where the economic activities all go back to the token holders. When NFT's are sold, the proceeds will all go back to reducing token supply. Worldwide Virtual Reality sale proceeds will also go back to the token holders. Virtual Flights, Virtual tours, Defi projects, Farming proceeds for example will be used to reduce token supply. So, where the Federal Reserve is out to destroy the currency, MetaVerse Dog will be governed to reduce token supply. Reduced Token Supply will lead to a positive effect on our community. No Wonder MVDG is taking the MetaVerse by storm. A Meme Token for the people, by the people!

The MetaVerse will like grow into a $10 Trillion Market in 10 years’ time. The question is what token will be the leading coin used in this new MetaVerse. While no one can tell for sure, MetaVerse Dog, MVDG has all the attributes one is looking for in a token. The Name speaks for itself. A token that symbolizes what the MetaVerse is and what it is going to be.

In Cryptocurrency, the Community is everything. A Community that is hungry and engaged to make it to the top usually succeeds. SHIB and Doge have mainly been successful due to their community. We at MetaVerse Dog aim to do and be the same. With our strong community, we feel anything is possible. New exciting applications are in the works. Easy exchanges with global growth are coming. Virtual Worlds where reality and real life will blend into one vision. MetaVerse Dog will be a pioneer into this new world and all it has to offer.

MetaVerse Dog is building out its plan to integrate our MVDG coin with the canine world. We hope to collaborate with dog rescue organizations, companion dog programs, and dog rehabilitation centers around the world in a variety of ways to benefit these groups. The MetaVerse Dog world loves virtual dogs and real dogs too!

MetaVerse Dog

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